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The founders of Backstage consist of the 13 students of the Hightstown High School Honors Business Practice Firm, along with their advisor and teacher, Mrs. Amy Kramer. They have decided to channel their love of movies and pop culture by selling authentic and replica movie props to customers over the Virtual Enterprise International website. The 13 employees are divided amongst 5 departments to better run the company: Administration, Marketing & Sales, Technology, Human Resources and Accounting.




Backstage is a unique company that sells replicas of items as well as authentic props found in movies and TV shows. The items range from small items in the background of episodes to major props that hold significance in the plot. Backstage offers quality material at cheaper, affordable prices. This will serve the current market well because Backstage will be capable of satisfying the desire of consumers to access tangible goods in the entertainment industry. A plethora of options will be available to all consumers, making Backstage relevant to a broader audience. Another advantage of Backstage is its capability of giving consumers the option to buy authentic items. While the majority of products found in our company are replicas, the option of authenticity is available to those who share a deeper interest in the entertainment industry. As a part of the Loyalty Program our business offers, returning customers will become members of this program, enabling them to select products from a wider and exclusive range of items. In addition to this, they will be offered seasonal products. The exceptional prices and exclusivity of Backstage will be available to a wide range of consumers as a desirable commodity.

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